The world is divided into seven continents. Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, and Antarctica are the continents that make up the world. There are 195 countries in the world, spread across seven continents. The United Nations, which was established after WWII to maintain international peace, has officially recognized 193 of them. The Holy See and Palestine are the two remaining non-members known as “observer states.”
In fact, the United Nations was established in 1945 as an international organization. The United Nations, which now has 193 member countries, is guided by the goals and principles outlined in its founding charter.
The United Nations’ primary goal is to maintain international peace and safety. The Security Council’s decision, through means such as mediation, arbitration, negotiation, and judicial decisions, is required under Chapter 6 of the Charter for the peaceful settlement of disputes.
Non-member observer states are identified as sovereign states and have the option of submitting a plea to become full members at any time. The Holy See, which includes both states as Vatican City and sovereign entities, is currently an observer state at the United Nations.
All Countries List in the World
As said earlier, there are seven continents in the world. Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Oceania, and Antarctica are the continents. Here we can find all countries list in the world and they have been categorized as per their continents.

List of all countries in Africa:
- Algeria
- Angola
- Benin
- Botswana
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cabo Verde
- Cameroon
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Comoros
- Congo
- Côte d’Ivoire
- Djibouti
- DR Congo
- Egypt
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Eswatini
- Ethiopia
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Ghana
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Kenya
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Libya
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Mali
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Rwanda
- Sao Tome & Principe
- Senegal
- Seychelles
- Sierra Leone
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Sudan
- Sudan
- Tanzania
- Togo
- Tunisia
- Uganda
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe

List of all countries in Asia:
- Afghanistan
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Bhutan
- Brunei
- Cambodia
- China (PRC)
- East Timor
- Georgia
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
- Israel
- Japan
- Jordan
- Kazakhstan
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Laos
- Lebanon
- Macau
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mongolia
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- North Korea
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Palestine
- Qatar
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Singapore
- South Korea
- Sri Lanka
- Syria
- Taiwan
- Tajikistan
- Thailand
- The Philippines
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- United Arab Emirates
- Uzbekistan
- Vietnam
- Yemen

List of all countries in Europe:
- Albania
- Andorra
- Armenia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bosnia And Herzegovina
- Bulgaria
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
- Faroe Islands
- Finland
- France
- Georgia
- Germany
- Greece
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Italy
- Kazakhstan
- Latvia
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Malta
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Montenegro
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- San Marino
- Serbia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- United Kingdom
- Vatican City

List of all countries in North America
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Belize
- Canada
- Costa Rica
- Cuba
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- El Salvador
- Grenada
- Guatemala
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Jamaica
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Trinidad and Tobago
- United States

List of all countries in South America
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Chile
- Colombia
- Ecuador
- Falkland Islands
- French Guiana
- Guyana
- Paraguay
- Peru
- Suriname
- Uruguay
- Venezuela

List of all countries in Antarctica
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Chile
- Australia
- Argentina
- France
- United Kingdom

List of all countries in Australia
- Australia
- Fiji
- Kiribati
- Marshall Islands
- Micronesia
- Nauru
- New Zealand
- Palau
- Papua New Guinea
- Samoa
- Solomon Islands
- Tonga
- Tuvalu
- Vanuatu
- A continent is a large landmass made up of several smaller landmasses. Up to seven geographical regions are commonly regarded as continents, based on convention rather than strict criteria.
- Globally, there are 195 countries, spread across these seven continents.
- Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia are the seven regions mentioned above.
- They are listed in order of regional size, from largest to smallest in the area. Some of these may be merged in variants with fewer continents.
- Some systems, for example, treat Afro-Eurasia, the Americas, and Eurasia as individual continents.
- To divide all of the world’s land into geographical regions, oceanic islands are frequently grouped with a nearby continent.
- The majority of the Pacific Ocean’s island countries and territories are grouped together with Australia’s continent to form the Oceania geographical region.
- There is another continent called “Zealandia”, found recently that is a submerged crust.
- It is generally considered a submerged or hidden continent, about two-thirds the size of Australia, and it is situated between New Zealand and New Caledonia.
- Recently, 32 scientists from 12 countries had planned a 9-week expedition to study the once-famed continent of Zealand in the South Pacific. Finally, they said later that they thought Zealandia should be recognized as a full-fledged Earth continent.
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