Do you want to know how to respond to the question, “What have you been up to?” in various situations? Excellent! You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for a thorough explanation of this phrase that will clear up any confusion you may have.
“What have you been up to?” is a common question phrase used during a phone call or a chat when asking for information about something that another person is doing or has done right now.

How to answer what have you been up to? in different contexts
“What have you been up to?” is a broad question that elicits a plethora of answers.
It’s usually a casual way of inquiring about you and your actions. It’s sometimes just a matter of common decency. As a result, you must compose your response based on your present situation.
This isn’t the kind of thing a stranger would come and ask about you. This is due to the fact that it implies that you have spoken with this individual previously.
They’re now interested in learning about what happened in your life between your last meeting and now.
1. Parents use this question to ask about their child’s activities
If a parent came to their child and found them doing something bad, then they might use this question in an accusatory tone, “What have you been up to?”
The child may respond by saying:
Nothing, I’ve done nothing wrong!.
2. Answers to this question in casual conversation
Your high school friend in the shopping mall, your previous house owner, or your relative at your common relative’s function might ask you using this question phrase: “What have you been up to?“.
It’s best to keep things simple in this situation and respond by using some phrases given below:
- Everything is fine.
- As usual.
- I’m fine, thank you.
- Thank you for asking, I’ve been fine.
- Nothing out of the ordinary.
- Nothing noteworthy.
- It’s all good.
- As is customary.
- Thank you for asking. I’m fine.
- Thank you for inquiring; I’m good.
- There was nothing unusual.
- Nothing to worry about.
- Not much.
- Nothing special.
- It’s all fine.
- As is customary.
- Thank you for your concern; I’m fine.
- Thank you for your interest; I’m fine.
- Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.
- There’s nothing to be worried about. Thank you.
3. If you want to inquire about your friend’s activities for the day
“What have you been up to today?” is a present perfect tense question that is oftenly used to inquire about your daily activities, such as work or recreation.
Question: “Can you tell me what you’ve been up to today?” (Would you mind telling me what you’ve been doing today?)
Answer: “I was at work until 6:00 pm, and then I went to pick up my younger child from school.”
4. If you want to respond to a question about a common interest
The best way to answer this question is by considering the experiences or interests that you have shared with this person.
If you met at a movie theater, for example, you could discuss recent movie experiences.
Ram: Hey, Ghani. How are you doing?
Ghani: I am fine, Ram. So, how about you?
Ram: Thank you for asking. I’m fine. Have you seen this film?
Ghani: I watched it. What have you been up to?
Ram: Nothing much. I, too, recently saw this film, and it was a fun story to watch because the director narrates scenes in a practical manner.
This is a good way to get to know about a single activity of someone without having to share details about one’s other activities.
5. If you’d rather listen than speak
It’s always common to meet old friends unexpectedly at some places. It’s common to hear old friends inquire about your lifestyle. If you want to get more information about your friend, you should first answer their questions politely.
- It is a pleasure to see you here. How are you?
- Thank you for inquiring about me. I have been doing everything well. So, how about you?
- That’s all I have to say about myself. Now, tell me what you’ve been up to.

A story using the phrase “What have you been up to”
Arjun and Syam have known each other since they were kids. They were excited to see each other after a year apart because they attended different colleges in different cities. “How are things going for you?” Over the phone, Arjun enquired of Syam. “I’m fine,” Syam replied, and then asked Arjun, “How about you?” He also stated that I was in good health.
During a phone call, there was a loud noise. “Can you tell me what you’ve been up to?” Upon hearing this, Arjun inquired. Syam stated, “Nothing, just a phone conversation with you.” Then what was that loud noise I heard over you, Arjun inquired. Syam exclaimed, “Oh, that’s the sound my pet cat made when she was playing with her feeding bowl.” Is it? I think your pet cat is mischievous, and if you ignore it while on the phone, it may resort to devious means to get your attention. Am I correct? Arjun said. Yes, you are completely correct. “How do you know about my pet cat?” asked Syam. I don’t know much about your pet cat, but I do know a lot about mine. When it requires our love and attention, it irritates us. “I think all pet animals use the same tactics to get our attention,” Arjun said.
- What about you?
- How about you?
- How have you been?
- How have things been?
- How do you feel?
- What are your thoughts?
- What’s new with you?
- How are things going for you?
- How do you feel right now?
- How do you feel about it?
- What’s new in your life?
- How are things going for you at the moment?
- What’s your opinion?
- What’s up?
- How do you feel?
- What’s your opinion?
- How have you been doing lately?
- How are things going for you?
- How are you doing?
- How’s it going for you?
- What’s your current state of mind?
- How are you currently feeling?
- What are your thoughts now?
- What’s new with you these days?
- How are things going for you at the moment?
- How are you doing these days?
- What’s up, how’s it going?
- How do you feel right now?
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